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All photos courtesy of the UCLA Young Library Daily News Collection, unless otherwise specified.

The Daily News in the late 1930's, corner or Pico Boulevard and Los Angeles Street. Notice "United Press" on the south facade of the building. UP remained there until at least the late 1950's. The Daily News city room was on the third floor, from approximately the "NEA" sign to the corner. UP was on the third floor, west side. the "L.A. Evening News" appears to have been a night edition of the Daily News.

The "Illustrated Daily News," as it was
 called in the 1920's, shortly before it was bought by Manchester Boddy.

West facade (UP upstairs) in the late '40's.

Mid '40's.

The Daily News "mobile photo unit" in the late '40's. Note that the brick facade of the building has been painted tan ("peach") as part of a promotion when the paper was peach colored.

 This wonderful photo, supplied by the late Paul Weeks (at center desk with coat, tie, black hair) well displays the "glamorous" newsroom. Recipe for newspaper: empty building, desks, chairs, telephones, typewriters. City Editor Aaron Dudley and reporter John Beckler are at the right. Sportswriter George Wilson sits at front left (with large coffee mug on desk.)

Probably a typical staff meeting, circa mid-30's. Wonder who the lone woman staffer was (right), and how she felt to be working in a chaotic roomful of cigar-chomping, crusty newsguys.

The Daily News "rim," or copy desk, in action, obsered by a high school class on a field trip. Probably early '40's. Note "slot man" (copy chief) in the gap in the horseshoe-shaped rim.

The second floor Daily News composing room. Note all the linotype pages on the right done in "hot lead."



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