The Rip Post                         guest commentary

by Gary L. Coffman

It seems incumbent upon the President at intervals to bestow the Medal of Freedom upon the worthy and those whose silence needs to be bought. Who nominates these nominees? Have you ever been asked for input? Well, don’t feel neglected; neither have I. So, in the spirit of American individualism intended by our Founding Fathers, I assert myself, and urge you to do the same, and nominate deserving individuals, such as those following, and the reasons for according them the honor, based on past apparent qualifications (or lack thereof). The fact they may have received a previous award does not disqualify them from receiving a new award any more than the fact they didn’t deserve the prior distinction. Sequence of listing is no indication of preference. Want to know how your vote measured up? Just fill in the bubble “Yes/No” and compare your results to what happens in the next few days/weeks/months/years (Oh, God!).

1. (Yes) / (No): Condoleezza Rice for “Buying American” at an
Italian “high end” footwear store in NYC, as Louisiana was about to be hit by the most significant American natural catastrophe in this century (possibly the last).

2. (Yes) / (No): FEMA Director, Michael Brown for doing to Louisiana what Al-Qaida couldn’t do itself. As Mr. B. put it, “Brownie, you’re doing a heck of job!” In appreciation, “Brownie” felt it more important to have a stiff Margarita and be with his family before dealing with future crisis plans the next morning. So much for family values.

3. (Yes) / (No): Michael Chertoff for emasculating FEMA as part of Homeland Security and nudging Brown (and New Orleans) toward early retirement, while fending off his own.

4. (Yes) / (No): Dr. Ben Marble, who urged Vice President Cheney to, “Go f… yourself, Mr. Cheney.” Marble is an excellent diagnostician.

5. (Yes) / (No): California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who declared, “Gay marriage should only be between a man and a woman.” Arnold is no “girly man.”

6. (Yes) / (No): Paris Hilton who demonstrated the value of Paris Hilton. Vive la Prague!

7. (Yes) / (No): George Herbert Bush for being the father of George W. Bush. The Criminal Statute of Limitations ran out on this one.

8. (Yes) / (No): Cindy Sheehan for loving her son.

9. (Yes) / (No): Donald Rumsfeld for initiating a war without a plan, conducting a war without a plan, and ending a war without a plan. Probably retiring without a plan.

10. (Yes) / (No): John Roberts for maintaining his composure as
Republican leaders publicly tutored him in the art of being
devious, if he really wanted to become Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court.

Remember: Every vote counts, so vote early, and often. You don’t even have to be living!

Gary L. Coffman is a writer, poet, and retired English teacher.

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