The Rip Post                                                                                              

the only time i can relax in the shower
is with Mrs.Bates
don't care if she can't talk
we watch bad horror films of love
while irate men and women carve each other up every day in the
name of something profound
but that something is so profound it causes you to
experience headaches and heart palpitations
a rather banal government discovered it could flex its muscle
and we are still waiting for the delivery boy/man to
get his residual.
modulate your passion for rage, my son
and do the sometime soon soiree
they got volupturous dancers from exotic shores
they got giants in small skin
they got all the jazz you can inhale
come on bad horror films of love
unwind your most favorite reel
let the big white whale come home for once
he'd like to rest it easy maybe this weekend coming up
Time-Life proudly offers you 15 volumes of smouldering cities
sorry, dad, my bookshelves are full, if existent at all
i got the monkey, you get the organ
we'll do some fancy grinding honey
when the ambulances zigzag merrily across
the moment
i'd try and join in your chorus maybe
but every time i open my mouth to chime in on your anthem
a bird hobbles onto the end of my tongue

                                            ---Scott Wannberg


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